Why ResetPreacher?



   Finally, I’m taking the big step of beginning a blog. This will be the first of, I hope, many posts. I pray that the Lord will use my words to further the Kingdom. As you may guess from the name, I started out preaching after my time at Abilene Christian University. And now, after thirty years the Lord has brought me back to full time ministry. I only preached for five years. The reasons I gave to myself and others for quitting at that time were:

I never was comfortable with my time, I always seemed to feel I was neglecting my work or I was neglecting my family.

            I seemed to have little contact with those outside the church I served.

I did not feel my first wife was comfortable “living in a glass house” and dealing with the pressures of being the “preachers wife”.

    Now I admit the real reason, I simply did not have the spiritual strength for the job. You see, the churches I grew up in put great stock in Bible study. And in two colleges I learned a great deal more about how to study the Bible, how to research background, explore related passages and delve into New Testament Greek. These skills were very helpful preparing sermons and teaching classes. I am grateful for them. I am especially grateful for professors and preachers teaching me more about God and about His grace.  But I was taught little about having a personal relationship with God, about prayer.

Published by remadepreacher

Kent Dickerson is a Christian writer, teacher, singer and lecturer. He calls his blog, “Remade Preacher”. The reason why that title was chosen was because God brought him back to full time ministry after leaving it for thirty years. The primary reason for leaving Pastoral Ministry was a deep-seated struggle with pornography. He facilitates two seminars. -Spiritual Battle Plan, The Path To Victory and -Spiritual Battle Plan, the Armor Of God. In both courses he calls upon men to first get into the battle against the sin in their lives and then to find new ways to call upon the Almighty God to lead, strengthen and protect them. He also emphasizes helping each other as brothers. In addition, versions of Spiritual Battle Plan are being developed for both men and women learners. A new class/seminar, Be Transformed, is now available as well. During the “Be Transformed” Seminar Kent teaches the art of analyzing one’s thinking patterns in order to allow renewing-of-the-mind transformation so that one can then devote one’s time to contemplating God. Kent is currently authoring a book tentatively titled, “Remade! A preacher finds victory over pornography and complaint.” He is also working on recording his first EP and videos Kent is from Abilene, Texas where he attended Abilene Christian University. He has now left South Korea as part of the U.S. military community and lives in Katy, TX..

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  1. Good to see you stepping out and setting up a blog Kent. My blog is on hold for a while as I try and figure out which way I’m going. Good luck and God bless!


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